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Contact Details:


Dimitri Peeters
Rue Frederic Mistral 22


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Price per night:

price from €75




+32 475845252

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Description for B&B:

Sophisticated guest rooms featuring en-suite shower facilities, thoughtfully designed for hikers and skiers, complete with shoe and clothes drying amenities.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 75 85 320 320


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  • **Montségur Castle**: - **Description**: Perched atop a rocky peak, Montségur Castle is a symbol of the Cathar resistance. This legendary fortress offers breathtaking views of the Pyrenees and is steeped in history, known as the last stronghold of the Cathars during the Albigensian Crusade.
  • **Gorges de la Frau**: - **Description**: A stunning natural gorge located near the village of Montségur, this scenic area is perfect for hiking enthusiasts. The dramatic cliffs and lush vegetation provide a picturesque backdrop for outdoor adventures.
  • **Forges de Pyrène**: - **Description**: Located near the town of Foix, this open-air museum offers a glimpse into the traditional crafts and industries of the region. Visitors can explore workshops and see demonstrations of blacksmithing, weaving, and other artisan skills.
  • **Château de Foix**: - **Description**: This medieval castle is situated in the town of Foix and serves as a symbol of the region’s historical significance. The castle, with its imposing towers, offers panoramic views of the surrounding area and houses a museum showcasing the history of the County of Foix.
  • **Lac de Montbel**: - **Description**: A large artificial lake ideal for water sports, fishing, and picnicking. The lake is surrounded by beautiful countryside, making it a popular spot for relaxation and outdoor activities.
  • **Parc de la Préhistoire**: - **Description**: Located in Tarascon-sur-Ariège, this park is dedicated to prehistoric times and offers interactive exhibits, life-sized reconstructions, and activities that provide insights into the lives of our ancestors.
  • **Niaux Cave**: - **Description**: Famous for its prehistoric cave paintings, the Niaux Cave offers guided tours that allow visitors to admire ancient art dating back to the Magdalenian era. The experience is both educational and awe-inspiring.
  • **Camon**: - **Description**: Known as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages of France," Camon is famous for its picturesque setting and historic abbey. The village is surrounded by lush greenery and offers a peaceful escape into the past. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, making the region around Lavelanet a fascinating destination for visitors.