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Pascal Samson
15 A Chemin Bassin Martin
Saint Pierre


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Price per night:

price from €90






Description for B&B:

We offer four guest rooms in our guesthouse located in St Pierre, Reunion. Our amenities include a jacuzzi, pool table room, breakfast bar, and a cinema with a screen. Additionally, we provide Wi-Fi for our guests.


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Head towards Saint Peter Ward Basin Flat.



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Notes: B AND B


Swimming Pool
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  • Le Piton de la Fournaise: Located in the Reunion Island, this active volcano is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the area. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails, stunning views, and the chance to witness volcanic activity.
  • Le Jardin des Parfums et des Epices: Situated in Saint-Philippe, this botanical garden offers a delightful experience for nature lovers. Explore a variety of aromatic plants, spices, and tropical flowers while enjoying the serene surroundings.
  • Le Domaine du Café Grillé: This coffee plantation, located in Saint-Joseph, provides a fascinating insight into the production of coffee. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the process from cultivation to roasting and enjoy a tasting session of freshly brewed coffee.
  • Le Musée de Stella Matutina: Housed in an old sugar factory in Saint-Leu, this museum showcases the history and culture of Reunion Island. Discover exhibits on the island's sugarcane industry, its cultural heritage, and the impact of colonization.
  • Le Jardin d'Eden: Situated in Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, this beautiful botanical garden offers a tranquil oasis filled with lush greenery and vibrant flowers. Visitors can stroll through the gardens, enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, and admire the diverse plant species.
  • Le Musée Léon Dierx: Located in Saint-Denis, this art museum displays a wide range of contemporary and modern artworks. Visitors can explore various exhibitions featuring paintings, sculptures, and installations from both local and international artists.
  • Les Roches Noires: These impressive black volcanic cliffs are found in Saint-Gilles-les-Bains. They offer breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean and are a popular spot for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers.
  • Le Musée des Arts Décoratifs de l'Océan Indien: Situated in Saint-Louis, this museum showcases the traditional art and craft of the Indian Ocean region. Visitors can admire a collection of intricate woodcarvings, textiles, jewelry, and other artifacts.
  • Le Musée de la Saga du Rhum: Located in Saint-Pierre, this museum takes visitors on a journey through the history of rum production in Reunion Island. Learn about the cultivation of sugarcane, the distillation process, and sample different varieties of rum. 10. Les Makes Observatory: Situated on the high plateau of Les Makes, this astronomical observatory offers visitors the opportunity to observe the night sky from a unique vantage point. Enjoy stargazing sessions and learn about the wonders of the universe through informative presentations.